Thursday, March 14, 2019

In the Reason Blog Article “Volunteers sentenced for leaving food and water for migrants in the Arizona Desert” written by Billy Binion on March 08, 2019, the author discusses the wrongful act of punishing volunteers by helping illegal immigrants.  He goes into detail of why and how volunteers are being punished with parole, jail time, and fines, bringing awareness of this ridiculous punishment to all audiences.  Members of a program called “No more Deaths/No Mas Muertes” have been found leaving out buckets of water and cans of beans for immigrants trying to cross the deadly Arizona desert.  These volunteers have been sentenced with multiple convictions because they are helping migrants survive the fatal environment conditions that will lead them to a better life.

The author does a great job making the reader aware of the severity of the problem as he goes into detail about how immigrant deaths are on the rise in this particular area.  He provides comparisons on previous death rates in the Arizona desert with the current, showing evidence of the increase in deaths.  He also gives horrific detail of how these immigrants have been treated by our officers, leaving a very bad taste in my mouth.  Reading that they have been beaten, thrown, and attacked is heartbreaking. The way these individuals are being treated is inhumane, and it needs to be stopped. 

I agree with the author that this should not be a punishable crime.  Even if coming across the border is illegal, if people want to leave food and water out for these migrants that is their choice.  A person definitely should not be punished for trying to help others in need. 

Friday, March 1, 2019

The article Lead poisoning, black mold, vermin in base housing: Is this any way to thank our troops? written by the editorial board of USA TODAY is well written, and I couldn’t agree more with the argument.  The author seems to target all audiences to create awareness of the current military housing problem.  It is heartbreaking that our military families are living in unstable housing conditions.  Some might argue that this isn’t happening or say some families may be dramatic, but the author provides evidence by gathering quotes from military families that have suffered through these housing conditions.  Living in unhealthy conditions with black mold and/or other toxins in your house is very harmful to the body.  It can cause major damage to the brain, lungs, and other organs.  While some damage may be temporary, it is very concerning that other types are irreversible leading to permanent disabilities throughout life.  When our heroic troops are defending our country the least we could do is keep their families safe.  Being in the military is one of the most difficult jobs to do, and this issue needs to be addressed immediately.  There are so many other issues in this world that are made our priority over this, and it is unacceptable.  Our soldiers have so much to worry about and it is devastating that they need to worry about their family’s safety too.  Obviously not every family is affected but that isn't enough.  There should not be any military families living in anything less than perfect housing conditions.